S. Norton has processing facilities in Liverpool, Manchester, Southampton and London.
Our Liverpool, Glasgow and Manchester processing sites are designed to maximise the extraction of ferrous and non-ferrous metals from feed stock, whilst minimising the waste going to landfill. The result is minimising the impact on the environment, whilst providing high grade products to our customer base.
Our facilities in Liverpool and Manchester accept new cuttings, both clean and painted, and process them into standard-sized dense bales for sale to our domestic and overseas buyers.
Certified and secure destruction
With the range of processes we have at our sites, we are able to offer a certified and secure destruction service. We have dealt with items such as aerospace parts, car parts, military plant and equipment as well as prototype and unregistered vehicles. Whatever you require to be securely destroyed we are able to help.
We provide a COD (certificate of destruction) so you can be sure that your goods have been destroyed in a safe and sustainable manner. If you require more information regarding this service please don’t hesitate to get in touch via email or by calling our head office.
End of life vehicles processing
As an authorised treatment facility (ATF) we are able to recycle vehicles that are deemed to have met the end of their life cycle.
When you recycle a vehicle with us we issue a certificate of destruction (COD) which is to be kept for your records.
At our Liverpool, Glasgow and Manchester sites, we remove batteries, fluids and all other hazardous parts under guidance from legislation prior to processing the vehicle through our shredders.
We have contracts with many vehicle manufacturers through our joint venture company CarTakeBack.
Flame cutting
Any oversize material that cannot be processed through one of our shears is prepared to size via flame cutting or lancing, as appropriate.
ISS & KSS Plants
Our Manchester facility has the capability to further process waste material from the shredders and extract even more metal, thereby reducing the impact on the environment from waste to landfill.
The ISS plant and recently installed KSS plant maximize the metal recovery yield from mixed waste streams and shredder residues. Using state of the art sensing technology the ISS and KSS can recover metals that were previously lost including insulated copper wires and stainless steel.
Mobile baling
We offer this service to our suppliers, allowing their material to be consolidated into dense bales and maximising vehicle cube utilisation for transportation.
Non-ferrous processing plant
Our Manchester site operates this facility to process low grade material containing non-ferrous metals. The material is screened to size and metals are extracted using eddy current separators, allowing the material to be diverted from landfill.
All of our sites take oversized material and shear them into internationally recognised grades for sale to our customers throughout the world.
Our facilities in Liverpool, Glasgow and Manchester accept light and medium mixed metals, end of life vehicles and waste electronic and electrical equipment (WEEE) and fragmentise them into clean, high-density furnace feed.
The shredding process extracts non-ferrous metals for further processing and sale, with residual waste also prepared for further processing.
The Shredder Waste Advanced Processing Plant is unique facility designed to recover raw materials from Shredder Residues, specifically plastics, solid recovered fuel, aggregates and residual metals. Originally commissioned in 2010 and upgraded in 2014, the plant can process up to 200,000 tonnes of shredder residue per year and is the final step in achieving the 95% recycling rate for end of life vehicles.
Waste Electronic and Electrical Equipment (W.E.E.E.)
The new WEEE Directive 2012/19/EU entered into force on 13 August 2012 and became effective on 14 February 2014; this repealed the previous WEEE Directive. The UK implemented the new recast WEEE Directive by means of a Statutory Instrument (SI), the new Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Regulations 2013 were published in December 2013 and came into effect on 1 January 2014. This means that all consumer products such as kettles, toasters and washing machines must be processed in line with this legislation.
S. Norton has achieved Authorised Treatment Facility (ATF) status and Approved Exporter (AE) status to allow us to process W.E.E.E. material for our customers and we have a number of contracts to collect material from Producer Compliance Schemes (PCS).
We can offer a full solution to your WEEE recycling needs, if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at our head office.
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