This is the health and Safety Policy Statement of S Norton & Co Ltd. This Policy will apply to all operations of the Company regardless of location.

The Company recognises that under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 it has a legal duty to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of all its employees and other persons who may be affected by it’s activities.

The Company accepts these duties and it will continue to be its policy to promote standards of health, safety and welfare that comply fully with the terms and requirements of the above Act, Regulations made under that Act and Approved Codes of Practice. It is considered by the company that health and safety is a responsibility at least equal in importance to that of any other function of the Company and its Business activities.

The Company will take all such steps as are reasonably practicable to meet its health and safety objectives, which are:


  • the active support and participation in the creation of a positive health and safety culture at all levels within the Company, particularly at Senior Management level;
  • to maintain safe and healthy working places and systems of work and to protect all employees and others including the public in so far as they come into contact with foreseeable work hazards;
  • to provide and maintain a safe and healthy working environment for all employees with adequate facilities and arrangements for their welfare;
  • to provide all employees with the information, instruction, training and supervision that they require to work safely and efficiently and methods to assure employees understand and retain the knowledge;
  • to develop safety awareness amongst all employees and, as a result of this, create individdual responssibility for health and safety at all levels;
  • to provide a safe environment for all visitors to the COmpany’s premises bearing in mind that these visitors may not necessarily be attuned to certain aspects of the Company’s environment;
  • to control effectively the activity of all outside contractors when on the COmpany’s premises. It is the intention of the Company that, apart from routine supervision and control of contractors, this aim will be achieved in part by demanding copies of the contractors’ Safet Policies at the Tender stage, where appropriate;
  • to encourage full and effective two-way involvement and consultation on health and safety matters at all levels in the Company;
  • to ensure that this Policy is used as a practical working document and that its contents are publicised fully;
  • to constantly review the details of this Policy and to keep it in line with changes in current legislation.

The Company is committed to providing adequate resources to ensure its health and safety objectives and this Policy is met.
The Company is conscious of the external environment that may be affected by its activities and will pay full regard to the implications of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and, in particular, the Duty of Care as regards waste.
The Company will develop hazard recognition and control procedures and provide and maintain a written Risk Assessment of the risks to the health and safety of its employees whilst they are at work and others who may be affected, as required by the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999.
The Company considers that this Health and Safety Policy is an integral element of the overall Company Business Plan and other resource policies.
The Company has appointed Competent Persons to provide the necessary legal, technical and practical health and safety assistance and information and also to provide an independent monitoring service of the activities of the Company.
This Policy will be brought to the attention of all employees and periodically reviewed and revised as necessary.
This Company is aware that successful health and safety management is based upon five key principles, namely, a suitable and sufficient policy, organisation, planning/implementation and reviewing performance as contained in HS(G) 65 ‘Successful Health and Safety Management’ and it is the Company’s policy to adopt these principles.
The Company accepts the HSE Code of Practice on Responsibilities of Directors and appoints Mr M Norton as the Safety Director.
This Statement is signed by the Managing Director who, along with all Board Members, is committed to its full implementation. It is also signed by the Safety Director and also by the Site Manager so as to establish ownership of this document at that level.